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The business professional’s ability for innovation and creativity

Innovation, creativity and prototype of the professional in the company

The business professional’s ability for innovation and creativity Category: Skills and Competences
Type: Skills Development
Duration: 8 hours
Format: Classroom format
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Creativity is the main asset for the companies and organizations’ future since it is founded on people, their knowledge and their ability to imagine what is different. Our companies, especially in modern times, are required to have the ability to be and look unique. And all what is exclusive has always a common source: creativity and its power to create what others can not even see or imagine. This program shows creativity in depth and how to put it into practice in order to exploit its full potential when it comes to generate ideas in their professional environment.



  • To conduct an immersion in the innovation culture and understand the workings of creative thinking
  • Learning to behave creatively;  extract all the creative potential from the participants
  • To know and apply creative techniques about solving problems
  • To learn how to submit concept proposals to Management



  • To conduct an immersion in the innovation culture 
  • To go deep through the unlimited creative power about generating ideas from the own workplace
  • To learn how to take advantage of the change processes and of the arisen opportunities 
  • To learn how to create lots of inspiring ideas and mechanisms to submit them successfully improving existing processes
  • To start shaping new behaviors and attitudes that help to question oneself the “status quo” positively and to promote an innovative culture