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Feedback receiving matrix

The information in no time

Feedback receiving matrix Category: Other formats
Type: Serious Innovation Games
Duration: 1,5 hours approximately
Format: Formación presencial
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This is a game that facilitates the collection of information in no time. This game can be used both to give feedback on oneself or on a client / consumer. The aim is to speed up the feedback received around four quadrants where the collected information will be grouped. Each of these quadrants allows us to classify the feedback and thus have a clearer view of reality. Moreover, this game also will focus on information that arises as to develop new ideas. Divide the group into teams of four to six people, will be asked to perform a feedback receiving matrix. A great opportunity to see how you are seen from an outside point of view.



  • Be consistent with the feedback received
  • Be more objective to capture ideas
  • Expedite input in as a feedback
  • Sort the information obtained as feedback


  • Be more objective with the feedback received
  • Use imagination in its purest form
  • Create fictitious and ideals situations  for the company
  • Observe and listen to customers