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Sales representative’s profile

Seller traits and qualities to achieve good results

Sales representative's profile Category: Methods and Tools
Type: Workshops and Seminars
Duration: Between 5 and 8 hours
Format: Classroom formatBlended formate-learningRapid format
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Generally, the seller profile is elaborated by managers or sales managers of each company, depending on the traits and qualities that the seller requires to achieve good results in their respective sales zones. For this reason, each company has its own profile, adapted to the market characteristics or goals and also depending on the product or service sold. This module will deeply explain the profile and characteristics that sales representative B2B and B2C should have.  Furthermore, it would explain the importance of approaching the sales to the client will be explained.



  • Know the sales team profile when an Innovation has to be sold. The same for B2B and B2C
  • Know the personality of the seller when an Innovation has to be sold
  • Know the personality traits of the best sellers
  • Be able to give arguments to sell an innovation



  • Explain why your Innovation should be adopted by your customers
  • Know how to manage a sales team
  • Determinate who is appropriate and who is not to sell an innovative product
  • Understand the sellers’ attitudes