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The innovation war

To win is an arduous struggle against the barriers to innovation

The innovation war Category: Other formats
Type: Serious Innovation Games
Duration: 1,5 hours approximately
Format: Formación presencial
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There are many barriers that holds innovation back, blocking the path to creativity and the search for new solutions, alternatives and opportunities. With this different, innovative and novel game, creativity and idea generation will be developed  in order to go beyond the usual alternatives.



  • To discover and discuss the innovation’s value at its best
  • To explore any organizational issues that involve  negative barriers blocking innovation 
  • To realize the true magnitude of the innovation’s barriers
  • To face the obstacles to innovation with strength, strategy and creativity


  • To promote teamwork skills to make innovation be possible
  • To find original and creative solutions to combat against the barriers faced by innovation
  • To develop imagination and creativity for new idea generation in order to face the new challenges of the century