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Company and Entrepreneurship

Keys and steps to be a good entrepreneur

Company and Entrepreneurship Category: Skills and Competences
Type: Workshops and Seminars
Duration: Between 5 and 8 hours
Format: Formación presencialFormación blended o mixtae-learningRapid e-learning - autoformación
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By understanding the difficulties derived from seeking innovative ideas in order to develop a new corporate culture, this module represents a guide to start a business. This way, it tries to enhance entrepreneurial skills as a whole. That’s why you will learn how to create an entrepreneurial culture from the beginning, what are the key factors that allow to achieve success and good practices to overcome adversity. However, since the known business is business  becomes obsolete, the image and corporate social responsibility play a very important role in this new age.



  • To understand the innovation term and get used to open innovation
  • To learn the meaning of undertake and what it involves
  • To know how to diagnose oneself to determine an entrepreneur’s profile, his habits and skills
  • To give a true image of the entrepreneurship process so that it becomes part of the business framework
  • To provide the basic tools for all the stages of entrepreneurship



  • To manage successfully in terms of innovation, learn to undertake and face risks 
  • To create a good entrepreneurial culture, understanding the company as a business idea
  • To create a business plan, get used to SME's
  • To go deep through the social sphere: Image and corporate social responsibility